Sport Update
It’s been a busy week for the Sports department with the following fixtures: KS2 Cross Country at Farthing Downs A small group of children in KS2 took to Farthing Downs to race in their annual run. There was some excellent grit and determination on show. A big shout out to James (Form 3) who finished […]
Sport Update
U11 Football: Our U11 footballers played two matches against Harris Kenley recently. These resulted in a 1-1 draw and a 2-0 loss. The team are currently sitting second in the division, out of 6 teams. U11 Hockey: Our U11 players took part in some friendly matches with Royal Russell earlier this week. Everyone showed great […]
St David’s Day
St David’s Day was celebrated with a vibrant array of activities today. The day kicked off with a St David’s assembly and Eisteddfod competition, showcasing the talents of students, as they recited poems that they had learnt. Junior children read out poems that they had written themselves, all based around a particular form or style […]
Earning a Living
Form 4 have been looking at the topic ‘Earning a Living’ in their Geography lessons. This week, Mrs Salvam kindly visited the class to talk about her very interesting career as a Solicitor working with ‘Green energy’. The children saw a model wind turbine, and all learnt so much about the job role of a […]
Beckenham Place Park
On Monday 26th February, Form 3 visited Beckenham Place Park as part of their Science topic on Rocks and Soils. They completed an investigation into the rocks around the park, looking at features of rock types and how different types of rocks can be used. In the afternoon, our group leader Abigail told us that […]
Pizza Express Visit
Reception class had an enjoyable trip to Pizza Express on 28th February, where they had the opportunity to make margherita pizzas. The children all seemed to thoroughly enjoy the experience and their behaviour was commendable, reflecting positively on the school. A big thank you to the parent helpers whose support made the trip possible.
KS1 Sports Festival
On Thursday 8th February, our KS1 girls had the opportunity to take part in a sports festival. We welcomed some Year 13 Sports Leaders from Old Palace School, who lead groups of children in six different games and activities. The children competed for points in activities such as archery, basketball, football and running. They all […]
Form 3 Class Assembly
Form 3 acted out scenes from The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt for their class assembly on Thursday 8th February. They told how the disgruntled crayons felt empowered enough to speak up for themselves. There was lots of brilliant singing and actions to go alongside this very funny story! The assembly tied in […]