* Does not include Government Early Years Funding entitlement (children aged 3 & 4)
A non-refundable Registration Fee of £150 is charged per child and should accompany the Registration Form. An Acceptance Fee of £1,000 per child is payable on formal acceptance of a place. This is refundable when the child leaves the School.
As all school fees are due on the first day of term, interest of 2% per month is charged on all overdue accounts. In addition, any fees unpaid three months after the due date will attract a further administration charge equivalent to 10% of the unpaid account. The Governing Body is anxious to stress that they should be contacted at once in cases of exceptional circumstances.
At least one full term’s notice, in writing, is required if your child is to be withdrawn, and in lieu of such notice, one full term’s fees will be immediately payable as debt.
We reserve the right to make additional charges for reimbursement of expenses incurred for items not customarily included within our school fee charges. Fees are subject to annual review.
Payments should be made via the online payment system, which you can access by using the link below . This payment can be used to pay for school fees, registration fees, acceptance fees or other payments to the school. The online payment system is administered by Flywire and is a secure payment system allowing you to pay by bank transfer.
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