Our Nursery children participated in their first ever sports day on Thursday 25th May. In small teams, they competed in running races, throwing games and obstacle courses, all with a smile on their face. They finished with a presentation and the chance to receive their shiny gold medal. Well done to Nursery!
Reception, Form 1 & Form 2 formed 8 teams to compete in 8 different activity stations. These stations were run by our fabulous Form 6 students and comprised of basketball shooting, obstacle courses, football shooting, over & under and many more! Points were scored at each activity giving us the overall top 3 teams. Teams Rhinos & Monkeys came in 3rd place, team Leopards in 2nd place and our 2023 Champions were the Giraffes team. It was a lovely morning and these celebrations were capped off with some fun sprint races for all the children.