Young Writers Winners!

It was fantastic to hear that St David’s won the Young Writers ‘This is Me’ national poetry competition. Our pupils in Forms 3-6 won the competition out of 600 schools who participated! St David’s was awarded a glass plaque – the Young Writers Award of Excellence. We also won a bundle of poetry books worth […]

Form 1 Work

This term, Form 1 have been focusing on measuring and capacity. They used different jugs and pots to investigate volumes of water. The class also joined together with Form 5 for a bookshare, who proudly shared their English work. Form 1 thoroughly enjoyed listening to the amazing work they had been up to.

CSI Easter Trip

Form 4 visited CSI Easter at Christ Church, Purley on Thursday 21st March, where they became Detective Inspectors. They had to try and solve ‘The Case of the Missing Body’. In their ‘squads’ they studied fingerprints, tried to break secret codes, investigated the crime scene, listened to witness statements and performed scientific experiments in the […]

Brooklands Museum

On Monday 11th March, Form 2 visited Brooklands Museum. As it was Science Week we had the chance to take part in a number of exciting activities including firing water-powered rockets and making parachutes. The children were enthusiastic and thoroughly enjoyed taking part. Alongside this, we visited the aeroplane hangers to see (and even get […]

Enterprise Fair

The Enterprise Fair on Monday 18th March, was a huge success with children from Forms 1 to 5 visiting the stalls, buying items and trying out some amazing games. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves and there was a real buzz throughout the school all afternoon.

Perfect Pitch

Perfect Pitch was an opportunity for the Form 6 businesses to present their plans to a panel of judges before premiering their adverts, fielding questions and showing a mock-up of their stalls. The Judges (aka “Dragons”!) were extremely impressed with the quality of the presentations, the children’s ability to respond to questions and the variety […]

Knole House Trip

Form 5 visited Knole House on the 29th February. They enjoyed learning about the Tudors and the history of Knole as they had a tour of the house. They even dressed up in costumes as servants and rich Tudors such as Lord and Lady Sackville. A fantastic day was had by all!

World Book Day

Our Nursery class had a great time on World Book Day on Thursday 14th March. They enjoyed making their own bookmarks with their names on them and watching the older children share their themed work in assembly.