
Early Years

Early Years

There are two Early Years classes at St David’s: Nursery and Reception.

Nursery enter following their third birthdays and attend every morning. Children are invited to attend a gradually increasing number of afternoon sessions in preparation for full-time school in Reception class.

The Nursery is accommodated in a happy and secure setting which is both stimulating and nurturing. The small class size allows for that crucial individual attention that children of this age need. Children are looked after in a caring and supportive environment, with the emphasis on learning through play and activities which lay down the foundations for numeracy and literacy skills.

Reception children attend every day for the full morning and afternoon sessions. In Reception there is still plenty of learning through play and the children are given the opportunity to flourish and extend their learning through well-planned activities. Numeracy, language development, music, craft, science and physical activity contribute to the extensive and balanced curriculum.

We share children’s learning during Nursery and Reception through an online Learning Journal called Tapestry. Parents and carers are provided with log in details so that they can access, and comment on, a range of photographs, videos and written observations of activities achieved by their child at school. Please follow the link to read more about our online Learning Journal.

Both Nursery and Reception are registered for appropriate early years funding and are located on the ground floor. In this friendly and secure environment the children are taught by well-qualified and experienced teachers, supported by nursery nurses/class assistants.

”The overall effectiveness of the EYFS is excellent. Most of the pupils reach the Early Learning Goals by the age of five and many exceed them.”

The Independent Schools Inspectorate, 2012